Jason Kouri M.D.
- Medical Director
Dr. Jason Kouri graduated magna cum laude from Univ. of California at Irvine in 1991 with a Bachelors of Science degree in Biological Sciences. He continued his graduate education at the School of Medicine at University of California, San Diego where he received his MD degree with honors in 1996. Dr. Kouri entered the US Navy as a Family Practice intern and went on to become a General Medical Officer. He spent most of his time in the Navy caring for Marines and Sailors on land and at sea while attached to a Marine Expeditionary Unit. Upon honorable discharge, Dr. Kouri joined a Family Practice on an American Indian reservation for 5 years caring for Diabetics from several reservations in Southern California. He then changed focus to Urgent Care, Occupational and Integrative Medicine in 2005. Dr. Kouri is currently the Medical Director of five clinics that specialize in reversing diabetes in the Dallas and Fort Worth, Texas areas and has used Dr Hockings’ Help Your Diabetes program to treat patients since 2014. He is training in leadership and wellness in preparation for the challenges of an aging US population. Dr. Kouri is married and has 5 boys. He enjoys bicycling, soccer, hiking, and spending time with his awesome wife and boys.